Monday, June 30, 2008


I had a cute mom that works with my husband email me & tell me that as a working mom, she needs something quick. She's tried a couple on here & they took TOO long. I know some of these that I have posted aren't the quickest, so everyday this week, I'm going to try & be creative & think of something that is QUICK but still really CUTE, rather than your ordinary pony tail or pigtails. I timed this hair do today & it took just under 8 minutes (& that was with taking pictures too). So when I mean quick - I'm going to try to do it within 5-10 minutes. So here's today:

A lot of moms have asked how I get Adde to stay still while doing her hair. I do her hair on my bed & she watches tv while I do her it. Or if you prefer the mirror, give her toys & books to play with or even snacks while you do her hair.
Do hair while is damp. Pull hair into a pony tail. I DID NOT part the hair at all, I pulled it all straight back. Grab a piece from the pony tail.
Loop that piece around & pin it. Do this all the way around the pony.
This is what it looks like once you have gone all the way around. See that extra piece hanging out from pinning your pieces? Just tuck that under the bun & pin it.
Spread each piece just so it looks more like one bun, instead of being able to see each piece pinned. Spray to hold. Add a cute head band or flower clip on the side of bun.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Flower clips

On my trip to Tai Pan yesterday, I didn't come out with what I went in for, but I did come out with darling flowers for clippies!! You can also buy some at Roberts or Michaels. These are SO easy & darling. If you have a baby girl, you could even just clip these on to the headbands. I always make 2 of everything, just so I have the option. You also will need: hair clips from Roberts, hot glue gun & a pencil. (if you want to add any other embellishments also. I used glitter, eyelets & ribbon)

Take the flower COMPLETELY apart, so it will lay more flat on the clip. hot glue each section back together so it will stay together. Clip the clippie onto a pencil. Hot glue the flower onto the clip & let it dry...and voila...beautiful flower clips!!

I sprayed the red & white flowers with gold glitter.

The middle of these flowers made them look too fake. I took it out when I took the flower apart & just hot glued the eyelets in it's place instead.
I had some pink paper flowers from my scrapbooking pile. I decided to just add them with the ric rac ribbon. Adde has lots of pink & green clothes so I thought it would be cute together.

Cute Short Bob

I watched my neice today & she jumped in the bath with my kids. But I was excited because that meant I got to do another little girl's hair:)
First, I parted her hair on an angle, instead of straight, just to add a little more to a bob. Then I round brushed her hair in 3 different sections: the bottom, middle & top. I used my biggest roundbrush, which I think is the biggest size you can buy. I blow dryed the base as much as I could, to give it more volume. But don't round the sides as much as you would the back. Add a cute little clip to keep her bangs back & there you go!!

I'm gonna call these tuck-under knots...

So - I'm just gonna try my best, with one hand to show how to do these. I'm not sure what to call them, so we'll just pretend and call them tuck-under knots. You can do SO much with these. You could even do this on short hair put them into just half way up pigtails or just leave all the hair down.
Start by sectioning off the hair that you want to do the tuck-under knot on. I find the smaller the section, the better.
I get the end of my comb & divide it right down the middle of the section. By doing this, you won't be pulling lots of little strands on the way, or hurting her little head.
Now, just tuck the piece of hair under, where you divided the hair in half.
Pull the hair completely through, and this is what it looks like!! Super easy, right?
Now, pull the hair tight, so this is the finished product!!
Do the exact same thing to add another tuck under knot
This looks like the top, but it's the bottom. Do the exact same thing as the top, but pull them through the OPPOSITE way, so it looks like the are supposed to be going up
Put the remainder of the hair into pigtails. You could either leave them straight, pull just half way, or do the messy bun. I zigzagged the part, but you could also do it straight.
To do a messy bun look, after you have pulled the hair just half way through, scrunch up the ponytail & put a rubberband to hold it in place. Spray the bun a little so it will hold better & you may have to pull on some pieces to make it look more symmetrical.
And there you have it. You could even do the twist under knots all the way down, in a straight row, instead of splitting them. That looks really cute too.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Remember Fish Braids?

Do you remember fish braids? I used to love them. But they really do take forever to do, with all the small pieces you add to it. So I did it this way - so it is much quicker.
Start by making your pigtails. Then divide one side of the pigtail in half.

From the right side of the half, grab a small piece. Grab it from the very back of that half. This is where you will always grab your pieces from. You'll see as you go, that if you do not, then you'll have a big chunk you'll need to bring forward & you want small pieces.

Take that small piece and take it over to the left side.
Now, grab a small piece from the left side (same way - back, top)

& take it over to the right side. Do this all the way down. You are fish braiding!!
Stop wherever you would like to and put a rubberband to hold it.
Go down aways & add another rubberband, so there is no braid in this area. Then start the fish braid over again.
Go all the way down until you reach the ends of the hair. Do both sides the same.

Kambrie's Do

Yay!! Someone else tried something. This is one of my nieces that my sister did the twisted knots on. I'm so excited that you guys are actually using this & i love the feedback. Keep sending me pictures!!

Side French Braid

My cousin sent this to me. She just french braided her hair starting in the front side & making her way down to one side. It's shaped kind of like a triangle. It looks really cute

3 Braids

I thought this was pretty explanatory just by looking at it, so I didn't do it step by step. Just divide the hair into 3 sections, french braid each one & then bring them all together in the middle.

Barely pull any of the hair through & what is left hanging straight, wrap around the rubberband. I spray it as I am wrapping it & then secure it at the base with a clear rubberband.
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Monday, June 16, 2008

Yay!! Side ponies are in!!

I'm so excited!! My sister, Tami, sent this to me. Someone actually tried something from this blog!! It turned out darling!! She's only sixteen months and look at all that hair. It looks darling how she did 2 rows of it, instead of just 1! If any of you try anything - please email them to me so I can post yours too!! I love to see how it turned out.

I'm trying to do styles that you can wear with short hair too (Ashley's request:)

Part the hair down the middle. Rubberband each side.

Make three dividing parts in the second line. Don't forget to include the pieces of hair from the first line!

Last row, just do two parts, but include all of the 2nd rows pieces into this one (don't half it)
Just pull the hair 1/4 through the rubberband so that it's not too heavy on top.
Round brush the back, or make it curly.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

french twist band

I had to do this post in 2 uploads - so sorry if it seems confusing. It's one continuous post.

This would be really cute on short hair too. You also could do it on both sides to make it look more like a headband.

To french twist hair: Part the hair on the regular part. Then slice down toward the ear, parting the
hair on it's side. It doesn't show in this picture but you want to brush all the hair forward so it stays in a tight french twist.
Take a chunk out of the part & split it in half. Start twisting the hair & after each twist, pick up a small piece of hair from the right side (or if you are twisting on the left side, pick up a small piece of hair from the left) & twist again, pick up another piece & keep on going until you get where you want to be. (Just like picking up pieces in a french braid but only from one side)
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Go as far down as you want. Sometimes I like to go all the way down & then do the other side, so they connect underneath to make a full band. Wherever you stop, just tie off with a rubberband.
I put pink sponge curlers in her hair, but you could keep it straight, or even put it up in a pony. She does NOT like to sleep in the curler, so I just put them in when her hair is slightly damp. Keep them in for like 45 minutes (I put a blow dryer up to it & spray it just before I take them out) So now my pictures aren't showing, so just scroll back up to the top so you can see what it looks like in the end.

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