Saturday, November 22, 2008

princess leia?

I've been LOVING flower buns lately. I wanted to do them with the hair half way down but just ended up pulling it all up. Even though she may look like princess leia - the flower buns are too cute not to do!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I haven't been able to blog as much as I normally like to. It's been a couple crazy months & it's just going to get more hectic with the holidays. Plus Thanksgiving with my fam & a trip to Disneyland pretty much makes it a very crazy next month. So I'm planning on posting some new stuff - just not as often throughout the holidays. Life just gets too hectic & stressful. But once January comes around I'll get around to posting more often. But don't you just love this time of year?? & a random thought - who's counting down for the Twilight movie to come out?? Can't wait - yep planning on going to the midnight movie with my team Edward shirt!!

I've been wanting to post these for awhile now and I thought this would be a good time to post these darling pictures that moms have sent me. I am so impressed...most of these are pictures are from stuff moms saw on here & took it to the next level & totally made it their own. Enjoy!! *sorry most are small - I wish they were bigger so you can see how cute they all are

is this not the cutest face? with her 3 little piggies on top? i really like how she added the 2 piggies underneath too.

her fourth cute

these are out of order - they go with the bigger pics below.

okay - this little girl melts my heart. her mom sent me a lot of fun photos of her. i hope she doesn't mind me mentioning this but this cute girlie has autism & she has to do something to get her hair out of her face or she'll chew on it. I think she's become quite the creative mom with lots of patience. I admire her lots...thanks for the email.

this is macie - her mom got this idea from the worm twists i did a few weeks ago. this is one i see & think why didn't i think of that - it looks darling. (somewhere i had another pic but it didn't upload i see - sorry - hope you can see it well enough)

These got out of order some how - they go along with the bigger pictures up top. This is actually a girl who nannies these 2 girls. So she gets to do 2 little girlies hair!! & i think she does an awesome job!!

Thanks to all of you for sending photos. If you have something you want to share - send them to me. Or if you have step by step instructions you want to share also - send them my way. We all love new ideas.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

corkscrew twist tutorial

I really do hate hearing myself on camera but I'm doing this for the good of my blog followers - so you have to suffer with me...sorry!!

I hope these tutorial are helpful to you who are trying to learn. The key to doing it though is PRACTICE. I've had lots of practice to perfect it & so it's fast & easy for me. You'll just get better & better each time you do it and you learn your own mistakes along the way so don't feel discouraged!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

2 braids

Pull up the front of the hair & braid on the side.
Pull up the second section of your hair (making sure the braid on the other side is on top) & braid on the opposite side.
Section off your next part of hair & braid off to the side but add the braid above it. I just added it the braid to the middle as part of one of the sections of the 3 strands for the braid. Once I started getting down where there wasn't as much hair, the braid was the only strand of the 3 pieces.
Keep going from side to side with the braids until you are all the way down to the ends.
& that's it...I added some ribbon at the ends of the braids. Spray to hold.

Friday, November 7, 2008

double twists

I know - she has a prairie do but you always got to try something new, right?
Divide the hair in half. Clip the part that you are not working on out of your way.
Do the french twist braid on the bottom. Ending with a messy bun.
Do the french twist on the top now. Also ending with a messy bun. You want the twists to be going in opposite directions.
I just added one bow to the top.
front view (no she did not want me to take her pic.) I wanted you to see what it looked like in the front because it felt akward for me to do & it looked loose but it turned out cute - so if it does for you too - keep going. Spray to hold.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Crossed-Over Piggies

Part the hair down the middle. Then you are going to do half up piggies so part where you would pull the hair up. Now, part that in half & grab opposite ends together. So the back left & front right.
Bring those 2 together to make one piggie.
Do the same to the opposite side to make it cross over the first piggie.
Do your messy buns on the top to finish it off. Add your cute bows & you're done. (& I have to give credit to hair4myprincess - I was able to figure out how to do the links...thanks for your help:)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

hair veil

It doesn't get easier than this:
Start with your 3 sections in the front
Split the middle in half & combine with each of the 2 sides. DON'T add any other hair, you only want the ponies.
Bring them together in the middle . & that's it!!!
Just showing you don't add hair except the ponies. It tends to be a little loose & wants to lift off the head a little.
So I added a bow that has the alligator clip to hold it down. I included some of the hair that was down so it would stay down better. Then I curled just the top layer of hair.
Simple, right? Here's the front

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

worm twists

Part the hair in half. Add your elastic at the bottom & then add the next section.
Then grab the bottom piece & twist it & keep twisting until it starts to twist on it's own & add it to the top by just adding an elastic on the second pony.
Do the same thing all the way up. I did 3 elastics BEFORE I criss crossed them to make the piggies.
With the piggy tail - do the same twist all the way until it twists into a ball.
Add an elastic to hold it in place. Spray to hold.

front view: Add your cute bows & that's it!!

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