Saturday, November 15, 2008

I haven't been able to blog as much as I normally like to. It's been a couple crazy months & it's just going to get more hectic with the holidays. Plus Thanksgiving with my fam & a trip to Disneyland pretty much makes it a very crazy next month. So I'm planning on posting some new stuff - just not as often throughout the holidays. Life just gets too hectic & stressful. But once January comes around I'll get around to posting more often. But don't you just love this time of year?? & a random thought - who's counting down for the Twilight movie to come out?? Can't wait - yep planning on going to the midnight movie with my team Edward shirt!!

I've been wanting to post these for awhile now and I thought this would be a good time to post these darling pictures that moms have sent me. I am so impressed...most of these are pictures are from stuff moms saw on here & took it to the next level & totally made it their own. Enjoy!! *sorry most are small - I wish they were bigger so you can see how cute they all are

is this not the cutest face? with her 3 little piggies on top? i really like how she added the 2 piggies underneath too.

her fourth cute

these are out of order - they go with the bigger pics below.

okay - this little girl melts my heart. her mom sent me a lot of fun photos of her. i hope she doesn't mind me mentioning this but this cute girlie has autism & she has to do something to get her hair out of her face or she'll chew on it. I think she's become quite the creative mom with lots of patience. I admire her lots...thanks for the email.

this is macie - her mom got this idea from the worm twists i did a few weeks ago. this is one i see & think why didn't i think of that - it looks darling. (somewhere i had another pic but it didn't upload i see - sorry - hope you can see it well enough)

These got out of order some how - they go along with the bigger pictures up top. This is actually a girl who nannies these 2 girls. So she gets to do 2 little girlies hair!! & i think she does an awesome job!!

Thanks to all of you for sending photos. If you have something you want to share - send them to me. Or if you have step by step instructions you want to share also - send them my way. We all love new ideas.

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