Monday, December 21, 2009

I love my little girl's hair down but I have to do something with the front or else it's in her eyes & face & it drives me nuts. This is SUPER easy & can be done on short or long & it was very quick. & I actually recycled this hairdo which I usually never do - but it looked really good the next day, so I pulled her hair into a side pony on that same side, braided it & it looked really cute.
Start with four elastics on the side that you part it on.
Split the middle ones in half & add together to make your next row of 3
One more time of splitting the middle ones & adding to make a row of 2.
Braid as far down as you want to go.
I kept her hair straight except for the 2 braids - I curled them & her hair was out of her face all day. Loved it.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I know these are really called topsy tails - but I like to call them tuck under knots. Most of you by now know how to do the tuck under knots. So this is just puffy braids on each side with each one a tuck under knot. Super easy to do. Sometimes - I get sick of curling the ends, or doing messy buns - I just wanted the tuck under knots to go all the way down.
Start at the top & after each elastic, do your tuck under knot & then go on to the next.
I did 3 going down the head on both sides.
Once you do 3, you've got your 2 piggy tails left. Continue with the tuck under knots on the pony tail until as far down as you want to go.

& we're finished. This would work on long or short - even if you just went once or twice down with short hair. It's super easy & pretty fast when we're in a hurry to be going somewhere.
front/slide view
You could even add some ribbons at the end but she's starting to not like bows as much. I even thought about threading ribbon through back & forth to make it look more christmasee - maybe we'll try it later & post it to see how it looks.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Kayte Bug Boutique is doing 15% off entire order now through November 25th. Now is the perfect time to buy gifts or stocking stuffers for your little girlie - so take advantage of this deal!! Click HERE to go to Kayte Bug Boutique

Also - I've had lots of people ask what I use now that Garnier Fructis is no longer selling their sculpting pomade that I was using. I'm looking!! I promise!! I've been experimenting & haven't found something that I love yet. If you don't mind the cost - Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum is awesome. LOVE it!! Hate the price - about $26 for an 8.5 oz. You can buy it at most salons - I have seen it online for cheaper prices. You really don't go through it that fast since you just need one squeeze of it.

I've recently tried Pantene Pro-V Texture pomade that you can buy just at Wal-Mart. It comes in a 1.7 oz. for under $5. Not the same size or prices still as Garnier Fructis. It works all right. It's not my favorite - I feel like it kind of makes my hair greasy but on my girlie it works fine. But in the mean time - I will continue to find the perfect pomade once again. Garnier Fructis - why did you take my favorite product away? So sad:( The search is still on!! If any of you have suggestions on what you use & your favorite is - please share!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

UpsideDown FrenchBraid

I totally remember going to my sister & asking her to do an upside down french braid on my hair for school & I would flip my hair over the bed & she would frenchbraid away. Then with the end of the tail - she would tuck it back into the braid. Well - I decided to do something pretty close to it. Don't mind the unmade bed (sheets are being washed:) This would be really cute for church...umm might have to do it again for tomorrow!
I had her flip her head over my awesome unmade bed.
French braid away - going as far as you want. I went a little more than half way on her head.
Flip her head over & pull all of the hair into a ponytail. My girlie's is a high pony tail because I wanted to make sure her curls were on top of her head.
Curl the pony & pin it so the curls are on the top of the head. By doing this - the french braid is much more visible - which is what we want to see, right?

side view:
Front view:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Something for the long hair...

This kind of looks like a bow tie on it's side. You really need longer hair to do this - but you may be able to simplify it somehow & use it for short, also.
Before I dried her hair, I put Garnier Fructise's Mousse in it to help make it not so soft after it was dried. Then I teased her hair just a bit with a comb right in the front to give it a little more volume & then pinned back:
Bring the rest into a low pony & don't pull the hair all the way thru (but don't pull too much - I just left as small a loop as I could). Secure that with another elastic so you don't have hair falling out of it.
The pony tail that is sticking out, begin pinning in loops about the same size & loop below.
Make it look as even as possible & use your fingers to spread the hair & hide any openings. That hair that is left over - you are going to wrap around the elastic to hide it. I spray it as I go, then secure it with a pin & it should stick good for you all day.
Spray to hold & you are finished. This looks really cute for church or with a dress - it fancies it up just a bit.
side view

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where have I been???

Wow!! Where has the time seriously gone? Life has just been crazy, crazy!! I keep thinking it's going to slow down this week - but it only gets worse. We are getting ready to go to Costa Rica next week so I've been trying to get lots done before we leave, which includes a project for Super Saturday that is like the next day we get home & I started teaching piano this fall & my little girlie is in preschool & the mornings (even though she leaves at 11:) we just don't have time to sit & take pictures - so there you have it. But I promise - I'm still around!! I actually have a couple hairdos that I have ready to post - it's just the "getting around to it" part that's hard. I know people are waiting for a new post so here's something VERY VERY quick that hopefully anyone can do:

Part the hair on the side. French braid just a few strands down on one side (if you aren't very good at french braiding or dont' know how, just do a regular braid - it would work just as well)
The other side, you are going to twist. Don't put an elastic in just yet!!
Bring the braid over so that it is on the side - not middle (kinda hard to tell in this picture but it is more on the side) Take the elastic out for the braid so you only have one elastic holding them both together.
I just curled the hair & added a bow. How fast is that??? But just kind of fun with it being 2 different braids on the sides. Here is a side view of the french braid.

front view:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

time for another short one

I was watching my cousins little girl the other day - cutest thing ever - but her dad brought her over & had just pulled her hair into a loose ponytail that was falling out (loved that he tried) so of course I jumped at the chance to do something fun with her hair. I'm sure I have posted this with my own girlie's hair because I am often doing these cute head bands (except ours usually goes into a side pony) they are just SO super fast & too cute!
Section the hair that you want included in your headband. Secure the rest back with an elastic so you don't add it.
Start from either side & make your way to the opposite side, spacing them evenly.
When you get to the very last one on the END, you don't want to include the headband in this. You want it's own little piggie. Because you bring it back to the existing headband & add it to it - because this is where it ends.
This is what it looks like once you take that last piece & add it back to the headband (not sure she's too happy about getting a picture yet)
I didn't get the best of shots of after - but it was DARLING!! I roundbrushed it to give it volume & then took a curling iron very quickly to the ends of her hair & curled the pony on top. Add a cute bow & it's just too cute. This seriously was a very fast do for us - even with the blowdrying part. & it can be done on long hair also.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm so sorry I haven't posted or been answering people's questions. Life is just crazy & my little girlie started preschool this week where she is gone Mon - Thurs 11-4. So hopefully with her being gone during the day I'll find time to post more often. I will try & answer your questions & emails this week too for those who have left them.

Here's todays post:

I started by putting elastics around the top of the crown - making sure not to go down too far because you will be adding some elastics underneath this. If your girly has thinner hair, do all of it up - instead of half up/half down. My girl's hair would be too thick to do this.
Do a row right below.
Next, start on one side & twist over your hair around each other (like shown in previous posts - scroll down til you see how to). Stop once you get to the middle one & do the other side, stopping in the middle once again.
Here's what it looks like once you've twisted both sides.
Pull all into a pony tail (half up pony tail:)

I just did a flower bun to finish the pony tail off but you could do whatever you wanted. I have people ask if I would show how to do a flower bun - if you click on "buns" on the label list to the right & scroll down until you see flower bun & the directions are there. I just quickly curled what was down.
I tied a bow & stuck it onto a bobby pin & just slipped it into the hair.
Front view - her silly face
& that's it!! BTW have any of you guys seen the little bobby pins they sell at good ol' Wal-Mart now. LOVE them - they are little, perfect for my little girl & are tight!! Go check them out - right next to where the other bobby pins are.

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