Saturday, November 14, 2009

UpsideDown FrenchBraid

I totally remember going to my sister & asking her to do an upside down french braid on my hair for school & I would flip my hair over the bed & she would frenchbraid away. Then with the end of the tail - she would tuck it back into the braid. Well - I decided to do something pretty close to it. Don't mind the unmade bed (sheets are being washed:) This would be really cute for church...umm might have to do it again for tomorrow!
I had her flip her head over my awesome unmade bed.
French braid away - going as far as you want. I went a little more than half way on her head.
Flip her head over & pull all of the hair into a ponytail. My girlie's is a high pony tail because I wanted to make sure her curls were on top of her head.
Curl the pony & pin it so the curls are on the top of the head. By doing this - the french braid is much more visible - which is what we want to see, right?

side view:
Front view:

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